Many of you know Deborah Lee. She is the cheery person who usual arrives at the last minute for flamenco dance class or workshops. Looking stressed, yet always has a smile and pleasant word for everyone. But you may not know she is an accomplished concert pianist.
I had the pleasure of attending Deborah’s concert in Lully in the lovely countryside north of Morges 27 April 2016. On this occasion she gave a solo performance entitled “Jeux d’eau.” The theme of water has inspired many an artist from the painter to the choreographer to the composer. Indeed one need not travel far through Switzerland to drink in the beauty and influence of water on the surroundings.
Selecting works from Ravel, Debussy, Chopin, and others, Deborah interpreted the music of each of these masters as they play with the sound and the feel of water. She led us through raging torrents to placid pools with evident skill and emotion. I have followed Deborah to a number of her concerts and it is always a delight. I encourage you to find out where her next concert is. With luck it will take you on a pleasant trip through Switzerland or France. But certainly the music is sure to please.
Lisa Blush